Prepare To Integrate

First and foremost, we're thrilled to have you on board! To get you started, we've created an example game (it's really just buttons) that you can run locally and a demo arcade app that will host your game, mimicking the core functionality of the production arcade. If you've integrated your game successfully, you'll be able to play it within the demo arcade. See Quick Start.

Before we dive into that, let's take care of some prerequisites.

1. Create a Yours Wallet

Both players and developers need to have a Yours Wallet to connect to the arcade. Instead of creating accounts the traditional way (email & password), users simply connect their wallet. The wallet is used to approve & broadcast transactions to the blockchain, sign messages, and more. To get started, click the link above, install the extension, and create your wallet. If you already have a Yours Wallet, feel free to skip this step.

2. Run Your Game

Since you're here, we assume you have a game ready to integrate. Before proceeding, please ensure your game is up and running in a local or development environment and is accessible via your web browser.

Last updated